About A Boy

That’s what this post is about.

A sweet boy.

A boy through and through.

My Ezra. (His hair grows in a natural mohawk. I love that.)


As a newborn he was mesmerized by a blanket his grandma had made him.

It was covered in cars.

He was obsessed with cars!


As soon as he could crawl he was off!

Zooming here and there on all fours.

Pushing his little cars around.


The older he grows the more sophisticated his play becomes.

His cars find their way through the nooks and crannies of the dishwasher, the hidden passages of the dark closets, the mountainous terrain of the couch cushions.


I can only imagine the adventures he’s experiencing in his mind.

Has he been on safari? Has he crossed the desert? Has he won the championship race?



That’s my boy.

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