A Wicked Good Time

So this post is a little late. I can’t totally blame it on my sister. She sent me the pictures a little over a week ago and I just haven’t posted yet. Anywho… last month Evan left on his mission! I can’t believe it. We already miss him so much! He’s serving in the Lima, Peru mission and he’ll be gone for two years. Two years! Wow! Here he is looking spiffy in his new suit.


My mom graduated (top of her class – woo hoo!) the same weekend. Congratulations, Mom! Her degree is in Radiology and she is specializing in Mammography. She’s worked very hard the last four years and we’ve hardly seen hide nor hair of her, so it will be nice to have her back 🙂  Erin didn’t send a picture of mom from graduation, but I do have one of Ezra. He was an angel right up through the third song of the slide show that mom’s colleague put together. By that point everyone was getting fidgety, so you could hardly blame him. Learn to edit woman!


So these two things were great and well worth the quick trip, but the most exciting thing about the weekend? BRAD AND I HAD A DATE!!!!!!!!!!! (GASP!) I know. Hard to believe, right? This marks the first time Ezra was awake while being babysat. We’ve only had two other dates since he was born and both times we waited to leave him until he was asleep. We only called to check on him like five times, too. Not bad.

So what did we do on momentous our date? Brad got me tickets to Wicked! OH. MY. GOSH. It was awesome! I would say it’s my new favorite, but then I would feel like I was cheating on Phantom, which I’ve seen multiple times, so I’ll say it’s a tie.


On the way home we hit a milestone:


Our car hit the 100k mark!! Pretty exciting! Not bad for an ’01, eh? Most of the miles were racked up when it served as Brad’s commuter car back in Utah. We hardly drive it now.

2 replies on “A Wicked Good Time”

  1. YOU GOT TO SEE WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I loved the music from the show…the story line weirded me out a bit, but overall, it was good! I love FOR GOOD at the end! WOW! Powerful song!!! Also, I see your brother is in Lima, Peru…do you remember Roxanna Olsen from our ward a few years ago? She is from Lima and owns a Pizza place in Ridgeland. You guys should go there one day and chat with her. Her parents worked in the Peru Temple and all. NEAT, NEAT family!!!!!!

  2. That was an exciting week end. We didn’t even know your mother had gone back to school. Tell her congratulations for us. Ezra is a doll. Can’t wait to see him and you of course. The sheep are very real looking! Good job!

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