Birthday Surprises

Mom and Evan decided to be crazy spontaneous and make the 9 hour drive down to surprise me for me birthday. I have a sneaky suspicion it had more to do with the good waves that Hurricane Bill brought in than with me, but I’ll take what I can get.


Here is Brad serving as wingman to Evan. These two girls wanted to try surfing. They “tried” for about a half hour. (They tried my patience is what they did. We didn’t rent the board for her!) When they finally came back the girl was still with them so I said something to my mom about how great it was that Evan had a new puppy to follow him around all day. The girl then laid down on a beach towel about 4 feet away. Turns out her group was sitting right next to me listening to me complain about her for the last half hour. Oops. Lesson learned: if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.


Here’s a lovely thought:


And here’s a sneak peek at the new neighborhood:


2 replies on “Birthday Surprises”

  1. I can’t wait to come visit sometime! Just gotta get some money and a car that will get me to SC safely!!!

  2. I know what you mean! It seems like once a car hits a certain age, it’s one thing after another until you’ve replaced just about everything in your car! I’ve been nervous the last few TN trips!

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