A Bug Vacuum

I want this:


So that next time I run into this:


I don’t have to get close to it. EEEK!

Brad wasn’t even home. He had a client meeting up in Charleston. I didn’t know if I could handle this guy! He was HUGE!!! My first thought was mouse when I walked by the shower in my groggy state. I certainly woke up quick! After hyperventalating (I HATE spiders) I debated back and forth for 20 minutes about what to do.  I knew I had to kill him. Trying to figure out how to catch him and put him outside was out of the question. And if I left him alone he would probably carry Ezra or Kenzie off while they were napping. That’s how big he was. It took several smashings and he was still alive! Our shower drain has extra large holes and I thought I could wash his mangled spidery corpse down the drain, but he didn’t even come close to fitting! I get shivers just thinking about it! Ick!

But wait! The story doesn’t end there. As a lovely parting gift this spider left us… hundreds of offspring! We stayed up late last night killing spider after spider after spider. We went to bed with some major skin crawling. Big time heebie jeebies.

And while I’m at it I may as well share another creepy crawly story from a couple of months ago. After drying off after a shower and I went to hang my towel up and discovered what? A big ol’ spider on my towel! Big time violation!! So not cool! This eight legged pervert was a fraction of the size of the spider pictured, but still  Way, way too close for comfort.

*Post Edit: The spider didn’t release it’s offspring when I smashed it. (Although that did happen to my mom one time. Gross!!) No, the egg sack was left in my little boys room. Lovely. Here we are trying to read our scriptures before bed when we notice hundreds of tiny spiders jumping around us. Luckily they were small or I might have passed out.

3 replies on “A Bug Vacuum”

  1. YUCK!!! Oh, I HATE spiders, too. I can only imagine how gross that was! I have heard about the spiders that birth their offspring when you smash them, but have never seen them. Hope you got them all.

    1. I can’t even tell you how bad I would have freaked out if that had happened when I smashed it!! The egg sack was left in my baby boy’s room. I was paranoid that he would get bit in the night so we stayed up late hunting them down. I hope I got them all! I still jump if I think something has touched me or crawled on me! 🙂

  2. That is awful! We just bug bombed our house upstairs and down and just finding the dead bodies around is gross! I hate snakes but at least I have never found one in the house spiders on the other hand just seem to make places to come in.

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