Lord of the Flies?


Okay. I know this is gross, but it is just too weird not to post about. You know how in the summer the occasional fly comes in the house when the door gets opened? It happens every once in a while when we let Kenzie in from outside, but we can usually shoo them back outside. When we got up this morning we had several flies in the kitchen. One is rare. Two is unusual. Five is just crazy! My house is clean and there are no points of entry for them to get in on their own. I don’t know how they got in! I don’t happen to own a fly swatter so I didn’t have a game plan for getting rid of these guys. I just hoped that they would leave with Kenzie or die of old age in a day or two so I left them alone. Then they started intruding. First with breakfast, then just started buzz bombing us.  So I decided to put out a trap. You know the saying “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar” ? That’s a load of crap. I put out a little bit of honey on a plate to try and trap them. Didn’t work. In fact, they started multiplying. No joke! When a few of them started swarming Ezra while he was trying to ride his car (he was swatting at them like crazy) I’d had enough. They were going down! I grabbed the Windex and went on the attack. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. They were dropping like flies! Six. Seven. Eight. I was right about them multiplying! Was there some sort of cloning device in my house somewhere?? The fly body count ended up reaching into the mid twenties! What the heck? ICK! Well, they’re all gone. I’ll let you know if this freakish fly anomaly occurs tomorrow!

2 replies on “Lord of the Flies?”

  1. He’ll make an excellent missionary! We like how you guys set your goals and end up meeting them. So already I’ll say have fun in Peru. Bet it’s beautiful.

  2. Ithink I got my previous post on the wrong spot. But this one really is about the flies. I wonder what was wrong with them. They might have lived if they weren’t so agressive. They do die pretty quickly usually but that doesn’t sound like what was going on at your house. Congratulations on the new house. Let us see some pictures so we can appreciate the before and not just the after. You did such a great job with your little house I can’t wait to see what you do this time.

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