In case you were wondering…


Remember way back when I mentioned that we decided to put an offer in on a house we’d been stalking on Hilton Head Island? Well, here’s your update. We put that offer in. Then we waited. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. See, this particular house happened to be a short sale. This is somewhat of a misnomer. Short sales aren’t short by any means. They are long. Really long. We were told to wait at least 30 days. After 6 weeks with still no word I call. They “lost” our offer. Nice. The house is now in full foreclosure status. Okay then. We’ll just resubmit our offer, right? Wrong. I had to call everyone I possibly could about this property to find out who the new realtor is so I could put in another offer. I ended up getting ahold of the head honcho at the bank (a real jerk) who gave me the new realtor’s information. 6 calls and 3 unreturned emails later (he’s not very good at his job), I finally get ahold of the realtor. Turns out the jerk at the bank thought the original listing price was too low, so he had the new realtor raise the price by 70k. WHAT??? I couldn’t believe it!!! I told the realtor that in this market that was way overpriced. He agreed, but there was no talking the bank jerk out of it. Well, weeks went by and crickets. No surprise. The realtor finally called last week and asked us to resubmit our offer. We’re putting in the new offer today. Wish us luck!

P.S. This isn’t what the house looks like. (I wish! That would make things way easier!) This is my little rendition of what the house will look like. Eventually.

4 replies on “In case you were wondering…”

  1. hi Beth!

    I hope the offer goes in! I know you all will LOVE it if you get it.

    By the way, Happy Anniversary (late). Is this year 9 or 10?

    Love you!

  2. You should have called me! I could’ve found out the realtor info for you. (and I sell foreclosures so let me know if you need help!) Good luck–I really hope you get it! We’d love you to move back.

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