And… scene!

At Ezra’s one year check up our pediatrician informed us that the terrible two’s were a misnomer. The notorious tantrums appear as early as one year and the year between one and two is often the hardest. “Oh no,” I thought, “not my sweet little Ezra…

Oh boy was I ever wrong!! Other than the ear splitting, glass shattering screams, his tantrums are kinda cute. He deserves an Oscar for the level of drama that ensues when he can’t have what he wants. It’s really hard to keep a straight face when he’s pouting. He scrunches up his little nose and pushes those lips out as far as they’ll go. It’s so dang cute!! I’m determined to get a good picture of it while he’s still in this phase. Until then, here’s the best picture I have. (He was smiling two seconds later.)

One reply on “And… scene!”

  1. Love it! He’s precious! Glad you are even enjoying this because there aren’t really alot of choices.

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