
I’ve had bad eye sight for as long as I can remember. And when I say bad, I mean bad. 20/200 is considered legally blind. My vision was in the 20/1000 range. What scared me was that it seemed to be continually declining. Every time I had an eye appointment my doctor would tell me that my eye sight will start leveling out soon and not to worry. They’ve been telling me that since I was 15. At age 12, my contact prescription was -5.0. At 15 it was -7.0. Each time I went it was a few degrees worse. My last eye appointment was three years ago. (I made my one year supply of contacts last three years. What can I say… I’m cheap.) My prescription at that appointment was -8.5. My vision was actually worse than what the boat on the right portrays. I wouldn’t have been able to tell you that there were clouds in the sky. In fact, I probably couldn’t have told you there was a boat there.


I always thought it was a pipe dream, but after I had Ezra I decided that I was going to go for it. I was going to get Lasik (Intralase actually). I checked out doctors, gathered information, and even weaned Ezra early (you have to stop nursing 4 months before the procedure). I was ready, but I was scared. So I put it off. Brad finally made me call three weeks ago. As it turns out, the doctor I selected only performs surgery about 4 times a year and the next procedure was hardly more than a week away. EEK! I went in for my consultation and though I was one of the worst they’ve ever seen, they still felt I was a candidate. It turns out my prescription had become worse (surprise, surprise) and was now -10.25. You know how eye charts have the big E? Well, my doctor had big rotating letters on the screen and asked me to tell him what I saw. I couldn’t tell that there were any letters on the screen. He got a kick out of that.

Now here it is three weeks later. I’m healing beautifully and I’m done wearing those awful eye shields (you feel like your peeling your skin off each morning when you remove the tape) so no more raccoon eyes or sticky goop stuck to my face. And guess what. I’m 20/20. The doctor thinks I may even get to 20/15 by the end of the month. Wow. I can hardly believe it.

4 replies on “20/20”

  1. Wow! I’m amazed. I never knew your eyes were so bad. I bet you’re thrilled. Ty would love to do Lasik as well, but it scares me. Something about surgery on your eyes that’s disconcerting. But it certainly sounds like it was a great thing for you. Happy day!

  2. I had no idea what it would look like to have that bad of vision. Gary describes being able to see leaves on trees and individual pebbles in gravel, etc when he got his first glasses. The eye doctor says he’s a perfect candidate for lasix. Maybe you’ll start a wave through the family.

  3. Why didn’t I know you were having surgery? I need to know these things so that I can be properly worried and concerned about you. Although it is kind of nice just to hear after the fact that it all went well. I’m happy for you. I wish I could get rid of glasses and contacts. But i think I have enough going on right now that I don’t need to start another project.

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