Take a look, it’s in a book!


I love to read. It’s my favorite pass time. If I’m not careful I can easily waste the entire day engrossed in a good book. I prefer to read rather than watch tv or go to a movie. While I do have to limit myself so that I don’t neglect my responsibilities as a wife and mother (and business owner), I think there are worse things I could do to waste time. I seem to have passed my love of books on to my little boy. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t look over to find him sitting quietly “reading” one of his books. He has his own shelf full of books in the living room and he’ll go over several times a day to take one down and look through it before putting it back. He even has his favorites: Happy Snappy, Grumpy Frumpy – A Silly Monster Opposites Book and this one he’s reading in the above pictures Blue Hat, Green Hat (I love Sandra Boynton’s children’s books). He will even laugh to himself when he gets to the funny pictures where the turkey wears the item incorrectly. I’m sure it’s only because he remembers it from when we read the book to him, but it’s still cute.

4 replies on “Take a look, it’s in a book!”

  1. He is too cute!! I can’t wait to see him again. His eyes are so blue in that picture. And it’s okay to laugh to yourself out loud, isn’t it?

  2. He really does look like he’s reading in the one where he is pointing at the picture! A super intelligent boy as we all know!

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