DIY Lip Gloss… Sorta

Brad always accuses me of getting the motivation to do the most random things at the oddest times. What can I say? He’s right. (As I’m typing this, he’s looking over my shoulder and saying: “Well, at least you can admit it.”) It will be almost midnight and I’ll decide to start organizing the pantry or paint Kenzie’s nails or re-caulk the shower. Today’s random activity was downsizing my lip gloss collection. I decided to combine several of my almost-gone-but-not-quite lip stuff into one container. I’ve never done this before, so I didn’t know what I was doing. I just melted everything together and poured it into a Burt’s Bees container. I think it turned out okay, but I would have liked the color to be a touch lighter though. 

4 replies on “DIY Lip Gloss… Sorta”

  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOGS! You are so…….is there a word for it! LOL I would have never thought to melt down my almost gone lip gloss and make a new. YOU ARE AMAZING! I know what I will be doing tonight.

  2. I can totally relate to this! I love your blogs too! 🙂 I always check them the first of every month. Please move back! 🙂

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