
Here’s my Thanksgiving post. Only three weeks late… but you guys are used to that by now right? 🙂

We celebrated the holiday in St. George with Brad’s family. The entire crew (all 29 of us) descended upon Stacy and Lisa (top right pic along with Benjamin and Joia), who hosted the occasion with the grace and ease of seasoned pros. You guys ROCK!  

Ezra loves doggies and kept seeking Joia out. I’m not sure she knew what to make of him. Ezra started the trip on a rough note (you try napping with all that excitement going on!), but things smoothed out towards the end of the week. The plane ride home was wonderfully peaceful and he managed to sleep through most of it. 

Aunt Erin is in the top left hand picture with the newest addition to the Young family. His name is Cohen and he joined us in August (only one day before my birthday darn it all!). He was a tired little guy and this is one of the few times I actually saw him with his eyes open. 🙂 Aunt Erin is the one who made the mod baby quilt I posted several months ago. Very talented!

Ezra adored Lily (bottom left) and vice versa. She loved to help him walk around and he liked to lean in for her hugs and kisses. 

Morgan and Claire (in the picture above) along with Madison (top right) each wrote wonderful Thanksgiving stories that they presented during dinner for our entertainment.

After much effort on their part (especially Mel), Ezra finally warmed up to Aunt Amy (in the swing), Aunt Lisa, and Aunt Mel (bottom left). 

This is Ezra’s first time in a swing… I don’t think he enjoyed himself. 🙂 He looks really uncomfortable! 

Here’s a shot of the entire group. The only person we were missing was Lisa (John’s wife). She opted to keep with tradition and go shopping with her family in Grand Junction so we didn’t get to see her this time. We really enjoyed all the time we were able to spend with our family and hope to visit more often. We love you guys!!!