
Ah, the art of distraction. It’s one of the all time greatest parenting techniques. I use it often through out the day. It keeps your things clean and drool free, helps with tantrums, and even keeps the squirmy wiggles at bay during diaper changes. In short, it helps keep a parent’s sanity. The secret is switching out the distracting item on a regular basis with something new and exciting. Preferably something never seen before. And if it makes noise that’s an added bonus. The newest item of distraction I’ve been using is one of Brad’s protein bars. It’s new, it’s shiny and colorful, and it makes noise. Perfect! So, I put him in his chair and gave him a few items to play with (protein bar included) and now had my hands free to make dinner. After a couple of minutes I noticed the unusual silence so I walked around to see what he was up to and the above picture is what I saw (minus the protein bar which in my laughter I still managed to snatch quickly away). He (amazingly enough) had made quick work of the shiny, noisy wrapper and tossed it aside in favor of the chocolatey goodness inside. That’s my boy!

Notice the little smear of chocolate on his forehead? He had chocolate on his hands and all down his front as well. 🙂

3 replies on “Protein…yum!”

  1. Ah, I am so glad you told me about your blog! I am obviously not observant and never saw the link 🙂 I love all the pictures and the updates – so fun!!

  2. He looks surprised that you caught him so quickly! He’s growing way too fast. Can’t wait to see him!

  3. Ahh. You are learning quickly! Distraction is an art from all its own, but really you can never go wrong with shiny wrappers. I don’t think they ever tire of them. In fact, I still use it on Nate (though he prefers green paper now).

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