Ezra’s first tooth

Had I been keeping up with my posting very well this summer I would have blogged about this two weeks ago when it actually happened. But I’ve been busy and haven’t kept up so here you go two weeks late:

So here I am sitting on the couch (two weeks ago) chatting on the phone with my little brother who just moved to Utah (temporarily) when Ezra crawled over to me, climbed up in my lap, and started gnawing on my hand. That’s when I felt it – a tooth! I couldn’t believe it! We’d been keeping our eyes out for an appearance and nothing. The pediatrician even had a look during Ezra’s six month check up two days prior and couldn’t even see the beginnings of one! Of course anytime anyone tries to peak in his mouth, Ezra’s tongue goes crazy trying to fight off the intruding fingers. I haven’t been able to get a picture of his new little tooth yet as his tongue is still on the defense, but hopefully soon!

One reply on “Ezra’s first tooth”

  1. He’s getting way too big without us snitching all his sugars and hugging him way too tight! I think I might see a hint of red hair. Is that just my imagination?

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