The Little Zoo That Could

A couple of years ago Animal Planet did a series on the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo titled The Little Zoo That Could. The show followed the zoo through at least two hurricanes, documenting their evacuation and recovery efforts. Brad and I decided we would check it out next time we visited Gulf Shores so we packed up our little family and enjoyed a nice sunny day at the zoo. Ezra was a big hit with the animals. They all seemed pretty interested in him and several left the cool comfort of the shade to make their way over and check us out. Who could blame them? Ezra looked so cute in his little safari outfit!

2 replies on “The Little Zoo That Could”

  1. I know it’s probably not, but the groundhog/gopher thing looks GIGANTIC in the photo collage 🙂 Sort of like something you’d see in a monster movie… “Attack of the Gigantic GOPHER!”. It wouldn’t be a very scary movie.

  2. Is he getting teeth? We notice the drool and his tongue thrust to the front like he’s feeling a tooth.

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