Sugar Baby

Here is a picture of Ezra when he discovered the huge candy bowl my sister brought to the beach. He kept going for the Pixie Stix. I think somehow he knew that if he sucked on them long enough he would eventually reach the sugary sweetness inside. 

(F.Y.I. That bowl only held a small fraction of the candy Erin brought with her. I’m not the biggest candy eater, but I think everyone else left the beach with one heck of a sugar buzz.)

2 replies on “Sugar Baby”

  1. He is adorable and growing way too fast! We love all the pictures. He’s even drooling over that candy. Now we need to be able to snitch some of his “sugars”.

  2. MMMMmmmm, the Stubbs family are all hugesugar fiends (they get that from me) so I can relate to bringing a little too much candy (or not enough, depending on if your last name is Stubbs)! That really is a “sweet” picture though (I couldn’t resist, as lame as it is)…what kind of camera do you use?

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