April’s Wedding

I had the honor of attending my dear friend April’s wedding on Friday. I arrived for the two o’clock ceremony around a quarter to 2:00 and to my surprise I was invited to participate as an honored guest. I felt like I stuck out a little though – everyone seemed to be wearing brown while I was wearing a navy and orange floral skirt. When I returned home and our mail resumed, I received a note requesting my participation and notifying me of the wedding colors – champagne, mocha, and espresso. Oops! I felt so bad! I hope she doesn’t feel I ruined her video or pictures. 

The wedding was simply lovely – beautiful weather, beautiful ceremony, and of course a beautiful bride. Did I mention the fantastic bows on the chairs at the reception? 🙂 It was wonderful to see all of my friends as well as a few faces I haven’t seen since high school. Hope to see you again soon! Best wishes to the bride and groom!

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