Lets try this again…

Brad and I decided before Ezra joined our little family that we were going to use cloth diapers for our babies. When we told people our plans we had a few supporters cheering us on, but we certainly received lots of “What are you thinking? Ya’ll are crazy!” type reactions. We knew it probably wouldn’t be easy, but because it was better for our babies, better for the environment, and better for our wallets (in the long run) we took the plunge. We decided to start out our foray into cloth diapering with the Kushies brand. These cloth diapers are available in 5 packs from Walmart.com for around $40. Brad’s mom picked us up two packs so we had ten diapers to start with. The sizing goes by weight and the infant cloth diapers are from 10 – 22 lbs. When Ezra hit the 10 lb. mark at his last check up we started using the diapers… and quickly stopped. They were HUGE! The poor little guy had his diaper up to his armpits!

That was about six weeks ago and now that he is a little bigger we are giving it another go. Today is day two and so far things are going pretty well. The diapers still seem way too big for him. Not only do they come up to his chest, but they are rather bulky. The PUL is a little tacky and stiff, but this is supposed to improve with each washing. The absorbency also increases with each wash. This is true for all cloth diapers. Some of the Kushies brand prints are a little cutesie for my taste. They aren’t too bad though. I wish I would have read the reviews on diaperpin.com (they weren’t exactly the highest rated), but even if I had I probably still would have tried these out. The price is excellent for a name brand cloth diaper so if we had decided that cloth diapering was not for us we wouldn’t have been out too much money. I’m going to try out a couple more brands. I’ll be sure to post our results. What I really want to do is try my hand at sewing my own diapers, but my machine is in storage at my mom’s house. So for now I’ll support some of the WAHM’s out there and try out their diapers. I’ll you you know how it goes!