Visit from family

Brad and I are bad about taking pictures. We promised ourselves that we would change once Ezra arrived on the scene. While we have improved, we still tend to slip back into our old ways. When Brad’s mom, dad, and sister came out for Ezra’s blessing we kept forgetting to take our camera along on our outings. Luckily, Brad’s dad is awesome about taking pictures. Here are some of the shots they sent us from their visit.

4 replies on “Visit from family”

  1. He is such a cutie!!! He is so handsome and has such a wise little face. Do you like the sling? I feel like the tail looks a little long- do you want me to send you a smaller size? Otherwise, you can put it in the dryer and it will shrink up a few inches too 🙂 Love the website by the way!

  2. I’m excited that you are blogging now! I’m tempted to try it myself. Way cute pics!! Keep in touch.

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